Rules & Regulations

Admittance to the Pool

Upon entrance, members and guests must sign-in at the front desk where, as necessary, membership will be verified by a staff member and checked against photos on file. Members under the age of 12 must be accompanied and cared for by a responsible person aged 16 years or older. If the responsible person is not a member, a guest fee is applicable. Member’s children and their guests between the ages of 12 and 17 may enter the pool without the adult member if a completed Parental Consent Form for member and guest is on file.  Children entering without a parent or guardian may be asked to pass a water safety test. A parent or guardian must accompany any child requiring the use of any kind of flotation device, regardless of age.

Water Safety Test

At its discretion, pool staff may require any member or guest to pass a basic water safety test. To pass, the individual must swim one length of the pool; tread water for one minute; and float for one minute.

Guest Policy

Members must register all guests at the front desk and provide a guest pass or pay $6 daily guest fee for each guest. The member must be present as long as registered guests remain on pool property.  Guest fees and Guest Pass Cards (10 passes for $40) can be purchased at the front desk.  Each pass may be used for any one guest for one day.  Children under 2-years-old admitted free.  The guest fee applies to all guests on the pool deck, whether or not they swim or enter the pool.

Discipline Policy

Inappropriate Behavior

  • Distracting lifeguards.
  • Running on the deck.
  • “Overzealous” splashing of others.
  • Using swim noodles to hit others or pool property, including the water.
  • Yelling and screaming.

Consequences for These Behaviors

  • First offense – warning from guard.
  • Second offense – 15 minutes sitting out.
  • Third offense – another 15 minutes sitting out and a CALL TO PARENT!

Unacceptable (Dangerous/Disrespectful) Behavior

  • Roughhousing – i.e., dunking a swimmer, jumping on other swimmers.
  • Using profanity or other verbal abuse.
  • Refusing to comply with directions of pool staff.
  • Defacing pool property.

Consequences for These Behaviors

  • First offense – 30 minute “time out”, child not allowed to swim – NO WARNING!
  • Second offense – child will not be allowed to swim for remainder of the day; and parent/caretaker will be notified (at work or home).
  • Third offense – child will not be allowed in the pool the day following the offense including swim team practice. The head lifeguard will notify the parent/caretaker of the action. (This also applies to any intentional introduction of contaminants into the pool.)

If problems or questions arise and mediation is needed, please contact a Board Member.



Lifeguards are responsible for the safety of everyone in the pool area and have full discretion at all times.


  • You must obey all lifeguard requests. Do not argue with the lifeguard on duty.

  • Glass containers are not permitted on the premises. No smoking on deck or in the clubhouse.

  • Grilling on the deck is prohibited. You may grill only in the designated area.

    • Running, pushing, acrobatics, wrestling, other dangerous play, or causing undue disturbances in or about the pool are prohibited.

    • No hanging or pulling on the fillspout, diving board, lane lines, or basketball hoop.

    • Flippers may not be worn on the deck.

    • No devices such as balls, toys, water blasters, squirt guns, innertubes, floating mats, rafts, inflated devices, etc. will be permitted in the pool unless authorized by the pool manager. Lifeguards have full discretion to ask you to put away a toy or ball.

    • Noodles are for floatation and exercise only. No slapping of the water or other swimmers.  Do not take floatation devices, toys, or goggles on the diving boards.

    • Where diving is allowed from the side of the pool, only head-first dives are permitted. No flips, twists, or back dives.

    • Members or guests are not permitted to converse with or distract lifeguards on deck duty except in the course of official pool business. Refer questions and comments to the guard on duty in the pool office. You may raise any issues with the Operator when he/she is not in the chair or with a board member.

    • At least one lap lane will be available for general use outside of swim team practice hours.

    • During general swimming hours, all members under 16 (sixteen) will be required to leave the pool for 15 (fifteen) minutes of every hour. This time is reserved for adults only.

    • A soap shower must be taken before entering the pool.

    • Children not potty-trained and incontinent individuals must be wearing tightly fitting rubber pants and/or swim diapers.

    • Please clean up after yourselves.


    • Children 10 years of age or younger must be supervised in the water by a senior member or other adult until the following conditions are met:
      • In the opinion of the pool manager, the child successfully passed a basic swim test which will consist of jumping into water above the swimmer’s head, swimming 25 meters using a strong forward or back stroke, floating for 1 (one) minute, and treading water for 1 (one) minute.
      • All members between the ages of 12-17 must have on file at the pool office a release signed by the parent or guardian stating that the child has his or her parent’s consent to enter the pool unaccompanied by an adult.
    • Do not ask lifeguards to assume custody of any children except during actual aquatic instruction periods.
    • Parent(s) or guardians are solely responsible for ensuring their children remain on pool property and are responsible for their children’s safety while in wooded areas or parking lot.


    • No children under 10 will be permitted on the high diving board. Once you go up you must go off the diving board and may not climb down the ladder.

    • Only one person at a time will be permitted on a diving board.  Only one bounce per dive is permitted.

    • Dives from the board must be toward the main pool, no diving toward the side of the pool.

    • The diving area must be cleared immediately after diving. No diving until the previous diver has cleared the area and reached the ladder.

    • Swimming into the diving area (the well) is prohibited during authorized diving periods; board diving is prohibited during authorized swimming periods. You must wait for the well to be cleared before getting on the ladder to use the diving board.

    • Non-swimmers are not permitted in the diving well (deep water) at any time. You may not wait in the water to “catch” a diver.


    • Parents or other responsible persons MUST supervise children in the wading pool. Lifeguards supervision will not be provided for the wading pool.

    • Use of the wading pool will be limited to children age 7 (seven) and under.

    Lifeguards are responsible for the safety of everyone in the pool area and have full discretion at all times.